Best Selling Dolphins

The following Dolphin robots continue to be the best sellers based on our historical sales data. Because there are numerous models to choose from, we provide this information to make it easy for you to decide which model is the best one for you. Unfortunately, many sites provide you with too much information that it makes it difficult to choose one. By highlighting the differences of these models, you can select the one that meets your needs and budget.

Why do these models continue to be our best selling Dolphin robots year after year? Quite simply, these models deliver the highest value when you consider quality, popularity and value.

Best Selling RobotsPool type
Nautilus CCSmall in-ground up to 33 feet in length
Above ground with slope between floor and walls
Nautilus CC PlusIn-ground up to 50 feet in length
Nautilus CC Plus WiFiIn-ground up to 50 feet in length
Nautilus CC ProIn-ground up to 50 feet in length
Nautilus CC SupremeIn-ground up to 50 feet in length

Because quite often customers contact us here at Pool Partz about the difference between two models, we are providing this comparison data to educate you and highlight the differences between two different models.

Nautilus CC vs. Nautilus CC Plus Comparison

The major differences between the Nautilus CC and the Nautilus CC Plus is the cable length of the robot (which is needed for a longer pool) and the CC does not come with the swivel cord. On smaller pools, the swivel cord is not really needed due to the smaller pool size and electronics that are built in the Dolphin robot.

Nautilus CC Plus vs. Nautilus CC Plus WiFi Comparison

The only difference between the Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus and the CC Plus with Wifi is that the Wifi version allows you to use a mobile app to access cleaning features of your robot.

Nautilus CC Plus WiFi vs. Nautilus CC Pro Comparison

While the CC and CC Plus models clean the floor and wall surfaces, the Nautilus CC Pro will also scrub the waterline.

Nautilus CC Pro vs. Nautilus CC Supreme Comparison

The Nautilus CC Supreme is the pinnacle of the Dolphin Nautilus CC product line, providing you with multiple cleaning filters and the ability to specific different cycle times. Additionally, the Dolphin Nautilus CC Supreme comes with 3 scrubbing brushes providing you with the ultimate machine for keeping your pool spotless.

2024 Dolphin Best Sellers

While in the past it was difficult to select the right Dolphin pool cleaner that meets your needs and budget, Maytronics now has a complete line of robotic pool cleaners under the Nautilus CC umbrella. Whether you have a small inground pool or you like having a model with a plethora of features, the Nautilus CC line has them all.

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